PflegeABC Wiki

Diverses zur Pflege u Gesundh.wesen in Italien

  • The small Italian townCa. 140 Ew Dez 2022) of San Giovanni Lipioni has the oldest average population in an aging nation. (2024)
    • Es liegt in der Provinz Chieti in den Abruzzen. WP über San Giovanni Lipioni. Es soll die älteste Bewohnerschaft Italiens haben. Na ja, weniger der demographische Wandels als die Landflucht und die niedrige Ew-Zahl in idyllischer Lage auf einem Hügel.
After the end of World War II, because of severe poverty and high unemployment, the village suffered a considerable emigration towards richer Northern Italy areas, especially in the town of Bologna, where a sizeable community live nowadays. A small number also migrated to Belgium, in the Charleroi area to work in the local coal mines, and France by subsequently settling there. From around 900 units in 1951, the population halved to 457 in 1982, and down to 371 in 1991, according to official ISTATstatistics. In 2001 the total population plummeted to 271 units and in 2006 the residents were less than 250, of which those aged 65+ accounted for half of the total. (en.WP)